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Somage Fine Foods

Somage Fine Foods offers a range of products that help brew the perfect hot beverage. With the finest quality products, it's no surprise their cuppa's are so good.

Brewing the perfect cuppa with Shopify and Ostendo. 

Ben Kelly and Nathan Wakeford founded Somage Fine Foods in 2006 - a time when cappuccinos looked like muffin tops, chocolate drinks were flavoured sugar and it was still okay to serve teabags in polystyrene cups to take away. They had a vision for something better. Ben and Nathan came to the Ninja’s a with a beautiful site that acted completely separate from their Ostendo software. In less time than it takes to boil a kettle, we’d given them a seamless integration, mapping across all the required product data.

Web Addresswww.somage.com.au

Software: Shopify integration for Ostendo

Location: Collingwood, VIC

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